Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus Senticosus) Extract 250mg 100 capsules
Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus Senticosus) Extract 250mg 100 capsules
Buy Siberische Ginseng 250mg Extract capsules. Free of Charge Delivery.
Take advantage of the stimulating and beneficial effect of our perfect quality Siberische Ginseng 250mg Extract capsules. Now available at a very low price and with a unique product information, together with good conditions, such as quick and free delivery from BioVitaWeb.
BioVitaWeb Product description
Eleutherococcus senticosus or Siberian ginseng comes from the east of Russia and the northern regions of Korea, Japan, and China.
Siberian Ginseng is seen as an adaptogen herb because it can help normalize all systems and functions in the body. The active substances are mainly in the root, and consist mainly of eleutherosides.
These are chemicals that bind to hormonal receptors. The eleutherosides can also be found in the leaves of the plant. They promote endurance and help to strengthen the immune system.
In Russia the extract is a widely prescribed in the care of people with heavy occupations such as soldiers, sailors and miners. Siberian Ginseng was widely administered in 1986 to the victims of the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl.
BioVitaWeb Supplement Label Siberian Ginseng 250mg Extract capsules.
Dosage: Daily 2-3 caps take a half hour before or two hours after meals, unless otherwise advised. Do not use more than the recommended dose. Consuming dietary supplements is not a substitute for a balanced, mixed diet and a healthy lifestyle!
Siberian Ginseng Extract 250mg
Gelatin capsule
Best use before 2024-03
Precaution: if you are nursing, pregnant, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your physician before taking this product. Not intended for use by young children.
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Buy Siberische Ginseng 250mg Extract capsules. Free of Charge Delivery.
Take advantage of the stimulating and beneficial effect of our perfect quality Siberische Ginseng 250mg Extract capsules. Now available at a very low price and with a unique product information, together with good conditions, such as quick and free delivery from BioVitaWeb.
BioVitaWeb Product description
Eleutherococcus senticosus or Siberian ginseng comes from the east of Russia and the northern regions of Korea, Japan, and China.
Siberian Ginseng is seen as an adaptogen herb because it can help normalize all systems and functions in the body. The active substances are mainly in the root, and consist mainly of eleutherosides.
These are chemicals that bind to hormonal receptors. The eleutherosides can also be found in the leaves of the plant. They promote endurance and help to strengthen the immune system.
In Russia the extract is a widely prescribed in the care of people with heavy occupations such as soldiers, sailors and miners. Siberian Ginseng was widely administered in 1986 to the victims of the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl.
BioVitaWeb Supplement Label Siberian Ginseng 250mg Extract capsules.
Dosage: Daily 2-3 caps take a half hour before or two hours after meals, unless otherwise advised. Do not use more than the recommended dose. Consuming dietary supplements is not a substitute for a balanced, mixed diet and a healthy lifestyle!
Siberian Ginseng Extract 250mg
Gelatin capsule
Best use before 2024-03
Precaution: if you are nursing, pregnant, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your physician before taking this product. Not intended for use by young children.
Buy Siberian Ginseng 250mg Extract capsules. Delivery Free of Charge.
Take advantage of the stimulating and positive effects of our top quality NutraLife Siberian Ginseng 250mg Extract capsules. We have our own company brand and therefore no need for expensive names or packaging. We supply our products online at a most competitive price level and very attractive conditions such as quantity discounts and charge free and fast shipping within the European Community.
On top of that you may expect BioVitaWeb to provide you with comprehensive information on product, experience, composition and use of this high-quality HACCP and GMP certified dietary supplement.
Latin name: Eleutherococcus Senticosus
Eleutheros is Greek for free and kokkos stands for berry, so Eleutherococcus refers to the fruits of this plant. Senticosus means thorny, prickly and points to the thorny branches.
Originally, Siberian Ginseng grew only in Siberia, the South East of the former Soviet Union and North China, but is now being grown in the rest of China, Japan and Korea.
Only the root, the rhizomes and some of the leaves are used to produce the extract.
History, traditional use
Siberian Ginseng has been used in Chinese medicine for more than 2000 years to increase the life energy ("Qi") and the physical strength and resistance "yang".
Furthermore, to promote a healthy respiratory system, appetite, maintenance of normal, that is to say supple, strong joints and a normal functioning heart.
Since 1855, this plant has been examined by Russian scientists and a clear increase in the resistance of the body has been established. Fatigue tests and swimming tests showed a significant improvement in endurance and increased resistance to heat, cold and changing air pressure.
Eleutherococcus senticosus contains ginsenosides (strong anti-oxidants and immune stimulants), various polypeptides (molecules composed of more than three amino acids and part of proteins) and complex sugar molecules (polysaccharides) that play an important role in supporting the immune system.
It was the Russian scientist Dr. Nicolai Lozerev who used the term adoptogen to describe the enhancing properties of plants such as Rhodiola Rosea, Ashwaganda, Ginseng and Eleutherococcus (Siberian Ginseng) as increasing resistance to chemical, physical and biological stressors.
The most important benefits of adaptogens are the increased availability of energy, reduction of the feeling of stress by tension, more endurance, more mental focus and a deeper more relaxed night's rest.
From 1960, Eleutherococcus was described as an adaptogen and potentiating agent in the Russian pharmacopoeia. In 1969, a report was published by Russian public health that demonstrated efficacy and approved the human use of eleutherococcus.
Arduous and unhealthy occupations
In Russia Siberian Ginseng is a regular part of the care for people with heavy occupations such as soldiers, sailors and miners. The extract has been widely administered to victims of the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl (1986).
In addition to the millions of ordinary Russians, the Russian cosmonauts were the best-known users. From 1975 Eleutherococcus entered the Western world as a strengthening extract.
Siberian Ginseng contributes to keep various bodily functions healthy and in a good condition such as: Memory, concentration, mental and physical resistance, endurance, sexual potency, transients and recovery.
- Eleutherosides A t.e.m. M (0.6 to 0.9%, ie as glycosides): heterogeneous and complex group of plant compounds.
- Eleutheroside A = daucosterol, a sterol related to beta-silosterol.
- Eleutheroside B syringine or 4-methoxyco niferin, a phenylpropane derivative.
- Eleuthero5ide B.1 = isofraxidine. -7-Q-0-D-glucoside is a coumarin.
- Eleutheroside B3 = a coumarin.
- Eleutheroside B4 = sesamin, a lignane.
- Eleutheroside C = methyl-α-D-galactoside, a monosaccaricide.
- Eleutheroside D = epimer of eleuteroside E and thus a lignane.
- Eleutheroside E = syringaresinol-4'-4 "-0-f3-D-diglycoside, a lignane.
- Eleutheroside E1 = syringaresinol-4'-O-B-D-glycoside, a ligand Eleutheroside 1, K and L: derived from oleanolic acid Eleutheroside M = hederosopanin B, a luer peensaponine.
- Eleutheroside B and D are considered as the main components ratio eleutherosides A: B: C: D: E = 8: 30: 10: 12: 4.
- Coumarines: isofraxidine and the above-mentioned El. B1 and B3.
- Sterols: betititosterol, betassilosterol-3-O- (3-D-glycoside and the aforementioned daucoserol (El A) Phenylpropane derivatives sinapyl alcohol, coniferaldehyde, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, caffeic acid ethyl ester, and syringine (above-mentioned EL B).
- lignans: syringoresinol, and the above-mentioned El. D, EL. E, El. El, El. B4.
- Triterpene saponins (0, 125%): prolopr imulagenin, A-glycosides and higher named EL. M.
- Short sugars: D-glucose and D-golactose (monosaccharides), alpha and beta maltose and saccharose disaccharides) and the aforementioned El. C.
- Polysaccharides (2.3 to 5.7%).
- immunostimulatory polysaccharide complex.
- Eleutherans A - G with inter alia: branched α-glycans (MG 150,000), heteroglycoan with methylglucuronic acid and arabinose side chains (MG 30,000), heteropolysaccharide (MG: 44,000).
- Essential oil (0.8%), vanilla.
- Beta-carotene, vit C, E, B1 and B2.
- Calcium, potassium, sodium, manganese, zinc, magnesium, iron, copper, nickel, cobalt.
- Pectin, Resine, wax.
Do not store capsules and extract powders in direct sunlight, keep it dry, at room temperature (15-25 ° C) and out of reach of small children. The powders and contents of the capsules are hygroscopic and can attract moisture from the environment. Therefore, do not store them in damp areas such as the bathroom or kitchen. It is wise to keep the powders and capsules in a well-sealed vacuum box of eg Tupperware or Curver or a lockable jar with screw cap.
Packed in a pharmaceutical grade aluminium bag. Delivered by mail in a cardboard box. COD (Cash On Delivery) service is not available
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